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Tag Archives: Waterloo
Volume 167
Diesel Hydraulic Heyday (72-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The Western Region of BR adopted diesel hydraulic traction rather than diesel electric. Nearly 400 examples, both express, mixed traffic and shunting were introduced from the late 1950s. By 1977 they had all gone, save for a few preserved examples.
We start with the original A1A-A1A D600 Warship Class 41 and a short B&W sequence of D600 leaving Paddington with an express and then passing Par. A D6xx in green with a yellow warning panel passes Lostwithiel and along Dawlish Sea Wall. Green D601 “Ark Royal” on shed contrasts starkly to a later scene on the Barry scrap line with blue liveried D600 “Active”.
The Class 42/43 Warships, in both maroon and green, are seen on the GW Main Line & in the West Country including scenes at Dawlish, Penzance and Par. Over to Waterloo for Warships of all colours including a short cab ride in D809 “Champion” as it departs. Back to Paddington for Warships double-heading, a blue Warship crossing Saltash Bridge and green D850 at St.Erth.
Inside Swindon Works for views of Class 52 Westerns being built. A rare shot of Desert Sand “Western Enterprise”. The comings & goings of a vast variety of maroon and blue Westerns on expresses at Paddington, out on the GW Main Line, Bristol, Dawlish Sea Wall, Newton Abbott, Plymouth and Penzance plus freight trains in the snow and china clay trains. Also featured are a number of rail tours such as “The Western Talisman” from Kings Cross and the “Western Finale”. Over 30-mins of pure Western nostalgia!
On to Class 35 Hymeks and with b/w film we peek inside the Beyer-Peacock works during their construction. Out on the main line and green and blue Hymeks on a variety of passenger trains including double-heading with steam.
We see NBL D63xx Class 22s shunting at Coleford and Boscarne Junction plus extensive footage of D6346 shunting at Charlbury! Scenes from a bygone era. Look out for the man with the pole!
Finally, the Class 14 0-6-0 “Teddy Bears” and shunting at Coleford Junction and Lydney with D9555. Many Class 14s were sold into industry and we feature No.28 in industrial use.
We close our film with a Western, heading into the sunset…
Apart from a few early scenes in black and white, most of the footage is in colour and the film has an extensively researched commentary with an authentic sound track.
Cover Photo:- Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications,Hymek D7020 descends into Aberystwyth, September 1964
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Released in Diesels & Electrics (heritage), Volumes 167-173
Tagged Aberystwyth, diesel, electric, freight, hydraulic, industrial, Keith Pirt, Kings Cross, Main Line, Paddington, preserved, steam, Swindon, traction, Waterloo, West Country, Western Region
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Volume 159
Echoes of the Big Four (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The Ian Griffiths Collection. An archive film from the collection of Ian Griffiths portraying scenes of British Railways in the last ten years of steam from 1958 to 1968. Our film covers every region with many types of locomotives that existed during this period. We include some rare types ranging from small 0-4-0 tank engines to express engines which are not usually seen on archive videos produced today. We feature the London termini including Kings Cross, Euston and Waterloo. Many locomotive sheds are visited from East Anglia, South Wales, Nine Elms and Scotland. Rail tours are seen over the Waverley Route and from Paddington to North Wales. On the Southern Region we visit Guildford in 1964 and the Isle of Wight in 1965. On the Midland Region we visit Wellingborough, Leeds and Bescot. The Western Region is visited at Oxford and Dan y Graig, the Eastern Region at York, Retford and Cambridge. There are even some scenes on the Bedford to Hitchin line showing the making of the film “Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines”. Finally, after the end of steam we see some views of LT pannier tanks at Neasden, preserved steam on the main lines in the 1980s and a visit to Dai Woodhams scrap yard at Barry. Overall a 90-minute memory of how it really was once.
This all colour film has excellent detail and locations. It has been mastered with an authentic sound track and has an extensively researched, detailed and informative commentary.
Cover photo:- Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications, 46245 “City of London” climbs Gamston Bank, June 1963.
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 158-166
Tagged archive, Big Four, British, Keith Pirt, Kings Cross, London, Midland, Nine Elms, Paddington, preserved, Scotland, steam, Wales, Waterloo, Western Region
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Volume 153
Remembering the Southern Part 3 (65-mins) | Price £19.75 |
Jim Clemens Collection No.28. Our third volume of Southern Steam memories from the JIM CLEMENS archive film collection, this time featuring the South Western Division in Hampshire and Dorset in 1966 and 1967.
After a brief glimpse of Waterloo station exterior, there is coverage of steam from SOUTHAMPTON to BOURNEMOUTH and WEYMOUTH with Bulleid pacifics. Next we feature four rail tours with a variety of motive power including a Stanier Black 5, USA tanks to FAWLEY, a Maunsell Mogul to GOSPORT, visiting A4 pacifics 60024, “Kingfisher” and the newly preserved 4498 “Sir Nigel Gresley” both to Weymouth and an Ivatt 2MT along the Weymouth Quay Tramway. Normal service trains see steam haulage along the main line through the New Forest area with Bulleid pacifics, both rebuilt and unrebuilt plus BR Standard classes. There is also extensive coverage of the LYMINGTON Branch to the end of steam in 1967, including views of LYMINGTON PIER station from the ferry! Plenty of action at Bournemouth Central with its shed visible from the main down platform, well filmed and with an abundance of detail. Finally, brief visits to BROADSTONE, BOURNEMOUTH WEST with the Pines Express, SWANAGE with a Special, and a last look at main line steam.
Cover photo: Jim Clemens, 73084 leaves Christchurch.
Click Here for Vol.105 – Remembering the Southern Part 1
Click Here for Vol.137 – Remembering the Southern Part 2
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in The Jim Clemens Collection, Volumes 150-157
Tagged A4, archive, Black 5, Bournemouth, Ivatt, Jim Clemens, Maunsell, preserved, South Western, Southampton, Southern Steam, Stanier Black, steam, USA, Waterloo, Weymouth
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Volume 150
Along Southern Lines Part 2 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
An all archive film of the Southern Region in the 1960s featuring both service trains and a few enthusiast rail tours in the area around the London Suburbs and the main line from Waterloo to Basingstoke. At Clapham there is extensive coverage of the area with many varieties of motive power from 1960. We include Schools 4-4-0s, King Arthur 4-6-0s and the now long extinct EMUs of 5-BEL, 6-PUL and 2-BIL types, ex-GWR pannier tanks, M7 0-4-4 tanks, Maunsell Moguls, H16 and W classes, all alongside the various Standard designs and Bulleid Pacifics. Travelling westwards through Earlsfield, Wimbledon, Surbiton, Hersham, Walton, Woking and Guildford, we see a further variety of motive power with S15 4-6-0s and more Maunsell Moguls. Onwards along the South Western main line and we travel to Pirbright, Sturt Junction, Fleet and finally Basingstoke where T9, Schools, more moguls, Q1s and Inter-Regional motive power are seen.
Nearly all the material is in colour and the film has an extensively researched commentary with an authentic sound track.
Cover Photo:- Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications. 35023 “Holland Africa Lines” at Basingstoke, September 1964.
Click Here for Vol.142 – Along Southern Lines Part 1
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Along Southern Lines, Volumes 150-157
Tagged 1960, archive, Basingstoke, Bulleid Pacifics, GWR, Keith Pirt, London, Maunsell, South Western, Waterloo
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Volume 142
Along Southern Lines Part 1 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
An archive video film of many types of Southern locomotives on various lines of the Southern Region. The South Western Division was the last to survive with steam traction up to the Summer of 1967. There is ample coverage of these lines from Waterloo to Basingstoke during a period from 1960 to 1967.
The South Eastern Division lost most of its steam in 1962 but Folkestone is seen when its harbour branch was still worked by steam traction albeit by Western pannier tanks. In this Division Tonbridge, Westerham, Gravesend, Gillingham and the Allhallows branch are also seen. Lydd to New Romney with the last DMUs. The famous Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch line is also visited.
Many specials in the last days of steam on the Waterloo to Basingstoke line are covered, with visiting Eastern and Scottish locos included.
The usual Bulleid pacifics are seen in quantity alongside Schools, King Arthurs, S15s, moguls and pannier tanks.
Nearly all the material is in colour and the film has an extensively researched commentary with an authentic sound track.
Cover photo:- Keith Pirt, 30908 & N class at Basingstoke, June 1960.
Click Here for Vol.149 – Along Southern Lines Part 2
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Along Southern Lines, Volumes 142-149
Tagged 1960, archive, Basingstoke, Keith Pirt, South Western, steam, traction, Waterloo
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Volume 137
Remembering the Southern Part 2 (65-mins) | Price £19.75 |
Jim Clemens Collection No.24. Southern steam film from 1963 to 1966 on the South Western Division covering the main line from WATERLOO to SOUTHAMPTON on general day to day duties from the JIM CLEMENS archive film collection.
Included is good coverage of the S15 Railtour over two weekends in January 1966, one on a bright day, the other in snowy conditions on the BENTLEY to BORDON branch, MEDSTEAD bank, ARELSFORD and EASTLEIGH line.
Maunsell moguls working BROADSTONE to SALISBURY line in 1963.
Visit the ISLE OF WIGHT system for O2s from RYDE to VENTNOR and COWES.
BASINGSTOKE with a number of inter-regional trains featuring Western and Midland motive power alongside the many unrebuilt and rebuilt Bulleid Pacifics and Standard types.
Cover photo: Jim Clemens, 35011 “General Steam Navigation” at Basingstoke.
Click Here for Vol.105 – Remembering the Southern Part 1
Click Here for Vol.153 – Remembering the Southern Part 3
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in The Jim Clemens Collection, Volumes 134-141
Tagged archive, Basingstoke, Bulleid Pacifics, COWES, EASTLEIGH, Jim Clemens, Maunsell, Midland, Ryde, Salisbury, South Western, Southampton, steam, Ventnor, Waterloo
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Volume 119
Steam into Wessex Part 2 (80-mins) | Price £19.75 |
Filmed from 1960 to 1967, we journey from WATERLOO to WEYMOUTH, BASINGSTOKE to SALISBURY, and on to the Somerset and Dorset from TEMPLECOMBE to HIGHBRIDGE and BATH. On the South Western main line we stop off at EASTLEIGH to visit the Works in 1963. There is extensive coverage of the Isle-of-Wight railway system, RYDE to VENTNOR and RYDE to COWES via NEWPORT with passenger and freight.
We visit BOURNEMOUTH and WEYMOUTH with its quayside tramway serving the Channel Islands boats in the early 1960′s. Quite unique is a railtour to the ISLE of PORTLAND and EASTON. There are numerous classes of motive power to be seen, from small Class 02 tanks on the Isle-of-Wight to the Bulleid pacifics with the occasional King Arthur on the way. There are freight types like Maunsell moguls, S15s, 700 0-6-0s, H16, W tanks and the inevitable Standards; S & D 2-8-0, Ivatt tanks and Western Panniers including GWR Dock tanks.
Filmed mainly in colour this video takes a fascinating and nostalgic look back at the steam scene of the 1960s in many locations on the Southern Railway.
Click Here for Vol.112 – Steam into Wessex Part 1
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 117-126
Tagged 1960, Basingstoke, Bournemouth, Channel Islands, COWES, EASTLEIGH, freight, GWR, Isle Wight, Ivatt, Maunsell, NEWPORT, Ryde, Salisbury, Somerset, Somerset Dorset, South Western, steam, Ventnor, Waterloo, Weymouth
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Volume 112
Steam into Wessex Part 1 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
A Southern Region film following the route from Waterloo to Southampton.
There is a diversion to the GUILDFORD to REDHILL line with scenes mainly in 1963 with S15 and Maunsell moguls prominent. The Southern main line has visits to WIMBLEDON, WOKING, FARNBOROUGH, BASINGSTOKE, MICHELDEVER and WINCHESTER.
The Didcot, Newbury and Southampton Railway is covered in the early 1960’s with T9 and Western motive power.
Travelling south-westwards via SHAWFORD and ALLEROOK we reach EASTLEIGH with 9F and Britannia types mixing it with various Southern types including C14 and un-rebuilt Bulleids, even 35028. 3440 CITY of TRURO puts in an appearance.
HAYLING ISLAND branch scenes, LONGMOOR, not on an open day! and SOUTHAMPTON DOCKS with a T9 and B4 joining the usual USA tanks. The QUEEN MARY was in port.
Filmed from 1959 to 1966 this production has fascinating and sometimes rare views of the Southern Region at work with many different classes and some visitors as well. The majority of the film is in colour and an informative commentary has been added with an authentic soundtrack.
Click Here for Vol.119 – Steam into Wessex Part 2
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Volumes 108-116
Tagged 1960, 9F, Basingstoke, Britannia, EASTLEIGH, GUILDFORD, Hayling, Maunsell, Redhill, Southampton, USA, Waterloo
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Volume 96
Southern Steam Finale No.9 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The final weeks of Southern Region steam in June and July 1967 covered in depth. Normal running over the main line from Waterloo to Weymouth with the remaining Bulleids and Standards is portrayed. There are shed visits to Nine Elms and Weymouth as engines are prepared for their last turns and for some the last ever. Railtours are seen with the visit of 4498 SIR NIGEL GRESLEY to the region for a tour to Weymouth and is covered by nine different cameramen en route. The two BR specials hauled by Merchant Navies and two Society tours, the last one visiting Haslemere bank and the Swanage bank sometimes utilising double heading. The last weeks’ trains including running at 97 m.p.h. from the footplate. There were failures too. The last day of steam as the final up steam-hauled train came up from Weymouth whilst other engines were steaming off to withdrawal at Salisbury. This video is different. This is how it really was at the end. It is not just a succession of runpasts, we also concentrate on detail.
Click Here for the “Southern Steam Finale” DVD Series
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Southern Steam Finale, Volumes 90-100
Tagged footplate, Merchant Navy, Nine Elms, Salisbury, Southern Steam, steam, Waterloo, Weymouth
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Volume 80
Southern Steam Finale Part 8 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
This video features May and June 1967 in our definitive series of Southern steam. The Southern steam fleet was decreasing rapidly but what was left was well worth seeing. It was superbly filmed by our cameraman at many locations between Waterloo and Weymouth. Two railtours were operated in this period, one took 34023 to Swanage with runpasts at Corfe Castle; we had cameraman all over the place including on the trains. 4498 “Sir Nigel Gresley” spent two days on the region visiting Salisbury and Weymouth, again covered in fine detail.
Click Here for the “Southern Steam Finale” DVD Series
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Southern Steam Finale, Volumes 80-89
Tagged Salisbury, Southern Steam, steam, Waterloo, Weymouth
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Volume 68
Steam in the Capital (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
A nostalgic look back to London’s termini for the Big Four in the 1960′s and on lines radiating from them. We begin at Euston, 70032 departs on the “Comet” and first generation diesels 10201/2 on the “Royal Scot”. At Marylebone, we go north to Chorley Wood with 2-6-4 tanks, Rickmansworth for a B1. Growler No.11 of London Transport leads us to Neasden and the work of LT’s pannier tanks at Croxley and Farringdon. A Britannia and Patriot are at St.Pancras with Scot and Jubilee. Next door was King’s Cross and the East Coast main line to Hatfield. This section is full of A1, A2, A3 and A4 pacifics, V2, WD and B1 all appear in the early 1960′s. Next, the Great Eastern from Liverpool Street, through North London and east to Colchester and Ipswich, Britannia, J15 and even a D16 4-4-0. Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness with 2-6-4 tanks. Over to Paddington and the Western main line to Reading via the Marlow branch, Castles, Halls and auto-tanks. At Reading we meet the Southern Railway. Return to Waterloo via Feltham for S15 and Q1, Clapham for M7, ex-GWR pannier tanks, W Class and Fowler tank. A Schools and Lord Nelson appear before nostalgic views of Beattie well tanks and an H16. See what a 1960′s railway enthusiast and all the cockney sparrows witnessed on a visit to England’s Capital City.
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 60-69
Tagged 1960, A1, A2, A3, A4, Big Four, Britannia, East Coast, England, GWR, Jubilee, Liverpool, London, Lord Nelson, Paddington, Royal Scot, Waterloo, WD
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Volume 66
Southern Steam Finale Part 6 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The continuing story of the last eighteen months of Southern Steam. This volume covers the period January to March 1967. As in all volumes in this definitive series, the general Southern scene is portrayed between Waterloo and Weymouth. Although steam was in decline from the January timetable, we search it out throughout the region portraying any unusual events and give the reasons why. There were railtours over normally non-steam lines, the LCGB ran its 100th railtour during this period, much more successful than its 99th, seen in Part 5. The tour visited Chessington, Shepperton, Windsor and Reading Central Goods. The Surrey Downsman went to Oxted, Redhill and Kensington Olympia; it ended at a steamless London Bridge. We look at and examine Ron Cover’s attempts to dignify the steam engine with fabricated but brilliant numberplates. 3442 “The Great Marquess” visited the region and we follow its run from Victoria to Brighton, Chichester and Southampton. The first electric trains ran on the Isle of Wight as the last O2′s were cut up at Newport. Another tour took a Bulleid pacific to Eastbourne. The story is told in the usual informative manner of this series after much research and knowledge from people who witnessed these events.
Click Here for the “Southern Steam Finale” DVD Series
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Southern Steam Finale, Volumes 60-69
Tagged electric, Isle Wight, LCGB, London, Redhill, Southampton, Southern Steam, steam, Waterloo, Weymouth
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Volume 59
Southern Steam Finale Part 5 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The next volume in this definitive series of the end of Southern steam, now being collected as the historical record of the time, covers the four months of October to December 1966 and into January 1967. Once more, sixteen cameramen supplied material for this volume allowing the full story to be told for the period. As a video of Southern steam it also stands on its own since the general steam service is filmed over the South Western lines from Waterloo to Weymouth. However, as with all videos in this series, full coverage of rail tours of the period is included. The first seen is the RCTS Four Counties tour covering the Tooting branch with Guildford’s shed pilot engine 30072. Next the Dorset and Hants tour with two un-rebuilt pacifics taking in the Somerset and Dorset to Blandford, the remains of the Ringwood branch and finally Hamworthy Goods. Merchant Navy class 35026′s visit to Newcastle, Doncaster and York. “CLUN CASTLE” and Britannia 70004 took Bulleid stock to Stratford on Avon and Stourbridge Junction. The end of steam on the Isle of Wight did come on the last day of December 1966 and coverage is given to the whole route remaining from Ryde Esplanade to Shanklin. Lastly the rail tour to the Bridport branch via Salisbury, Westbury and Maiden Newton with all its troubles is fully related. Oh yes, and also the last steam run to Exeter!
Click Here for the “Southern Steam Finale” DVD Series
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(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Southern Steam Finale, Volumes 50-59
Tagged Britannia, Doncaster, Exeter, Isle Wight, Merchant Navy, Ryde, Salisbury, Somerset, Somerset Dorset, South Western, Southern Steam, steam, Waterloo, Weymouth
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