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Tag Archives: Golden Arrow
Volume 39
Steam Around The Weald (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
Despite the Southern Raillway’s vast electrification schemes from the early years of the 20th. century, steam survived in this part of England into the 1960′s. In this video some of the surviving motive power such as King Arthur, Schools, T9, K and E6 classes are seen being used on railtours of the period. The Allhallows branch was worked by H class 0-4-4 tanks, as was the Hawkhurst line with C class 0-6-0 on pickup freights. Westerham from Dunton Green was also worked by H class, within 20-miles of London Charing Cross. The Bluebell Line closed in 1958. Here are scenes prior to the closure when trains called at Newick & Chailey and West Hoathly. A C2X 0-6-0 traversed the line from East Grinstead in 1959; a year earlier saw the last run of the Brighton Atlantic 32424 “Beachy Head”, all included here. The Rowfant to East Grinstead and Steyning line, Christs Hospital, Ashford and Robertsbridge are also covered. There are Terriers, M7, U and N classes here and the last steam hauled “Golden Arrow” through Tonbridge.
Click Here for Vol.127 – Steam Around the Weald Part 2
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Volume 15
Archive Newsreel 2 (55-mins) | Price £15 |
The second video in the series offers a further multitude of fascinating subjects in nine sections. We begin with a look at the 9Fs on British Railways (including the ex-Crosti type) and 92203 and 92220 on railtours in the 70′s. Others are seen around Warrington and the Lune Gorge. The Marlow Donkey was famous in Great Western history and was re-lived in 1973 using 1450, 6106 and 6998 on the branch from Maidenhead to Marlow via Bourne End. When main line steam on BR came to an end in 1968, many farewell specials were run and we next include two of them, the Lancastrian No.2 Railtour and an SLS tour from Stockport to Carnforth using Britannia 70013 and Black Fives 45156 and 44949. Narrow gauge working is depicted by scenes on the Bowaters Paper Mills in Kent before closure. The scenes contrast the locomotives working days with the pleasure they now give to passengers at Whipsnade. There is a tribute to steam power out of Waterloo in 1967. Featured are the Bournemouth Belle, an immaculate 34057 (as only Salisbury shed could do), 75069 (now preserved on the SVR), Bullied Pacifics, Standard 5s, 80xxx and 82xxx tanks. The steam shed visited on the volume is Stockport Edgeley showing Stanier Class 5′s and 8F’s in their natural environment, the motive power depot and the men who worked on them while they were turned and coaled. The continental section shows Pacific power with action from France and Germany which lasted some years after the end of steam in the UK. Both preserved continental pacifics at Carnforth are seen in action in 1976 and the French Pacific at the head of the Golden Arrow leaving Calais Maritime. Hof, Trier, Crailsheim, Lathen and Berlin feature 01 and 03 classes at work. WD 2-10-0 “Gordon” is shown over the last 25-years from its rare appearance on the Southern Region in 1966 through its days at Longmoor to its visit to Shildon and preservation on the Severn Valley Railway. We conclude with industrial steam at Shilbottle Colliery in Northumberland where 0-6-0 tanks worked hard on the three mile branch of the NCB in 1969. Again another good mix of steam traction in full variety from the humble colliery tank to the great expresses of yesteryear.
Click Here for Vol.14 – Archive Newsreel 1
Click Here for Vol.17 – Archive Newsreel 3
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(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available.
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 7-19
Tagged 8F, Black 5, Bournemouth, Britannia, British, Bulleid Pacifics, France, Germany, Golden Arrow, Great Western, industrial, narrow gauge, NCB, preserved, Salisbury, Severn Valley, SLS, steam, Stockport, traction, Waterloo, WD
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