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Tag Archives: diesel
Volume 167
Diesel Hydraulic Heyday (72-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The Western Region of BR adopted diesel hydraulic traction rather than diesel electric. Nearly 400 examples, both express, mixed traffic and shunting were introduced from the late 1950s. By 1977 they had all gone, save for a few preserved examples.
We start with the original A1A-A1A D600 Warship Class 41 and a short B&W sequence of D600 leaving Paddington with an express and then passing Par. A D6xx in green with a yellow warning panel passes Lostwithiel and along Dawlish Sea Wall. Green D601 “Ark Royal” on shed contrasts starkly to a later scene on the Barry scrap line with blue liveried D600 “Active”.
The Class 42/43 Warships, in both maroon and green, are seen on the GW Main Line & in the West Country including scenes at Dawlish, Penzance and Par. Over to Waterloo for Warships of all colours including a short cab ride in D809 “Champion” as it departs. Back to Paddington for Warships double-heading, a blue Warship crossing Saltash Bridge and green D850 at St.Erth.
Inside Swindon Works for views of Class 52 Westerns being built. A rare shot of Desert Sand “Western Enterprise”. The comings & goings of a vast variety of maroon and blue Westerns on expresses at Paddington, out on the GW Main Line, Bristol, Dawlish Sea Wall, Newton Abbott, Plymouth and Penzance plus freight trains in the snow and china clay trains. Also featured are a number of rail tours such as “The Western Talisman” from Kings Cross and the “Western Finale”. Over 30-mins of pure Western nostalgia!
On to Class 35 Hymeks and with b/w film we peek inside the Beyer-Peacock works during their construction. Out on the main line and green and blue Hymeks on a variety of passenger trains including double-heading with steam.
We see NBL D63xx Class 22s shunting at Coleford and Boscarne Junction plus extensive footage of D6346 shunting at Charlbury! Scenes from a bygone era. Look out for the man with the pole!
Finally, the Class 14 0-6-0 “Teddy Bears” and shunting at Coleford Junction and Lydney with D9555. Many Class 14s were sold into industry and we feature No.28 in industrial use.
We close our film with a Western, heading into the sunset…
Apart from a few early scenes in black and white, most of the footage is in colour and the film has an extensively researched commentary with an authentic sound track.
Cover Photo:- Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications,Hymek D7020 descends into Aberystwyth, September 1964
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Diesels & Electrics (heritage), Volumes 167-173
Tagged Aberystwyth, diesel, electric, freight, hydraulic, industrial, Keith Pirt, Kings Cross, Main Line, Paddington, preserved, steam, Swindon, traction, Waterloo, West Country, Western Region
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Volume 164
Echoes of the Great Western Part 2 (110-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The second part in our series featuring scenes of the former Great Western Railway using archive film from the 1920s all the way to the diesel hydraulic era in the 1960s. In this part we mostly feature the freight and mixed-traffic classes, from the large 2-8-0 class 42xx and 72xx 2-8-2 tank engines used in Wales, through to the Prairie 2-6-2T and the Pannier 0-6-0Ts which were unique to the GWR, including the condensing varieties and the last 84xx series, on both passenger and freight trains. The tender classes are covered in more depth than in our first volume, ranging from the heavy freight 2-8-0s to the mixed-traffic 4-6-0 Hall classes. We also feature the 43xx 2-6-0s and the 2251 class 0-6-0s. The GWR also ran extensive maritime services and we show footage of the Fishguard and Weymouth operations. There are scenes of steam all over the GWR network with normal service trains and special rail tours. We conclude with footage of the first locomotive to exceed 100mph, 4-4-0 No.3440 “City of Truro”, newly restored and running on preserved lines plus the replica broad gauge engines at Didcot Railway Centre.
Apart from a few scenes, filmed in the 1930s and 1940s, all the material is in colour and the film has an extensively researched commentary with an authentic sound track.
Cover photo: Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications, Heavy freight 2-8-0 No.3834 at Dawlish, July 1957.
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(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 158-166
Tagged archive, diesel, freight, Great Western, GWR, hydraulic, Keith Pirt, preserved, steam, Wales, Weymouth
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Volume 163
Along LNER Lines Part 4 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The fourth in our series of films on the East Coast Main Line in the 1960s. There is much steam coverage but this is also a story of the transition from the steam age to the diesel age when Deltics came into service followed by the HSTs. We start with the Great Northern section and Kings Cross where there are many scenes of steam traction before it mostly finished south of Peterborough in 1963. All pacific classes are seen as well as V2 and B1 classes and occasional specials including one with a GWR Castle. We travel north through Finsbury Park, Harringay, Hornsey and through Hitchin to Peterborough. Onwards and further north to Doncaster, Langwith and Frodingham & Scunthorpe, for scenes of many of the ex-LNER freight types. Now onto the former North Eastern Region with visits to Leeds, Wakefield and Bradford before returning to the East Coast line for Otterington (Northallerton). We arrive at Newcastle for the demise of North Eastern steam. Tours around this area include the Stanhope branch with K4 3442 “The Great Marquess” and some scenes of the Alnwick branch in Northumberland. The film has excellent detail with an authentic sound track and a highly researched and informative commentary. Locations are mostly filmed in colour but there is some black and white footage from 1962 and 1963. Green and blue Deltics are included and even a Western Region hydraulic on it’s one tour. There are also a few Type 2 diesels!
All in colour with an authentic sound track and a highly researched and infomative commentary.
Cover photo: Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications, A4 60021 “Wild Swan” climbs Gamston Bank in May 1960
Click Here for Vol.124 Along LNER Lines Part 3
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Along LNER Lines, Volumes 158-166
Tagged 1960, A4, diesel, Doncaster, East Coast, freight, GWR, hydraulic, Keith Pirt, Kings Cross, LNER, Main Line, steam, traction, Western Region
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Volume 156
Echoes of the Great Western Part 1 (80-mins) | Price £19.75 |
NOTE: This DVD was originally titled “The GWR Recalled”
Jim Clemens Collection No.29. The first in a series featuring scenes of the former Great Western Railway using archive film from the 1920s all the way to the diesel hydraulic era in the 1960s. In this part we predominately feature express classes. The early GWR scenes are a complete contrast to steam on the Western Region in its last five years from 1960 to 1965 and this production is appropriate for the 175th anniversary year of the GWR.
We start with a prelude of the broad gauge using the 1935 and 1985 re-enactments followed by extensive and detailed footage of the King, Castle and County 4-6-0 express classes. There are many scenes of these locomotives taken from all over the territories of the former GWR and Western Region of British Railways. From Paddington in London to Penzance in the Far West; to Worcester & Birmingham in the Midlands; to Swindon & Bristol; these are just few of the many locations visited.
There are special events, tours and normal service train workings of both passenger and freight over this well loved railway. A short sequence features the early diesel hydraulics with D600s, Warships & Westerns.
As a preview of Part 2, we conclude with views of Halls, Granges, Manors, Dukedogs, 2-8-0, 2-8-2T & 47xx freight classes & panniers plus a visit to the narrow gauge Welshpool and Llanfair line.
Older scenes are in black and white but the majority is in colour. An extensively researched commentary has been added along with an authentic sound track.
Cover photo:- Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications, 6008 “King James II” passes Lapworth, November 1961.
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(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in The Jim Clemens Collection, Volumes 150-157
Tagged 1960, archive, Birmingham, British, diesel, freight, Great Western, GWR, hydraulic, Jim Clemens, Keith Pirt, London, narrow gauge, Paddington, steam, Swindon, Welshpool, Western Region
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Volume 155
North of Shrewsbury Part 1 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The first of two videos covering the lines in an area north of Shrewsbury to Chester. This video features the line to Crewe as far as Willaston via Whitchurch, the Shrewsbury to Gobowen line and the Gobowen to Oswestry and Blodwell line. Archive film of steam traction is shown on these routes including ex-GWR and Standard classes. There is also footage of some of the main line steam hauled tours in the 1970s.
We visit the signalboxes at Shrewsbury, Leaton, Whittington and Gobowen , observing the passing railway scene featuring both steam and diesel traction in the 1960s and early 1970s. At Gobowen the steam archive footage takes us south to Llanymynech with a look at the Shopshire & Montgomery and its last steam hauled tour. There is also extensive lineside and cab views of the diesel hauled stone trains from Gobowen to Blodwell Quarry. The traffic ceased in 1989. All film and video material used is in colour except for the Shropshire and Montgomery scenes. An authentic soundtrack has been added along with an extensively researched commentary.
Cover photo:- Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications, Ivatt 46512 arrives at Oswestry from Llanfyllin, August 1963.
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Volumes 150-157
Tagged archive, archive film, archive footage, Chester, Crewe, diesel, Gobowen, GWR, Ivatt, Keith Pirt, lineside, main line steam, Oswestry, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, steam, traction
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Volume 154
Scottish Railways Remembered No.4 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
An archive film covering the railways in Central Scotland from LARBERT to GLASGOW BUCHANAN STREET when A4 pacifics such as 60007 “Sir Nigel Gresley” ran on Glasgow to Aberdeen duties. Other motive power is also shown on this route. We then visit BEDLAY colliery with steam motive power before moving to the FIFE area on lines from DUNFERMLINE to THORNTON JCT, MARKINCH, ALLOA and ALVA. The “Aberdonian” railtour using two ex-NBR J37s is featured. Two collieries at KINNEIL and DYSART are seen in the Fife coalfields followed by a visit to the now closed LOCHTY Railway in the 1970s. From PERTH to DUNDEE in steam days with its variety of motive power in the mid 1960s. At Dundee, although diesel hauled, the Royal Train is seen. Finally over the TAY and FORTH bridges to EDINBURGH WAVERLEY.Among the steam motive power typicial of this area are 0-6-0 freight types through to WD, Black 5, B1, V2, A2, A4 and Standard 5s including Caprotti examples along with the preserved Scottish locomotives Nos. 246, 256 and 673 on railtours when out on the main line and branch lines.
Cover photo:- Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications, B1 61262 comes off the Tay Bridge, June 1966.
Click Here for Vol.63 - Scottish Railways Remembered No. 1
Click Here for Vol.74 - Scottish Railways Remembered No. 2
Click Here for Vol.132 – Scottish Railways Remembered No. 3
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Scottish Railways Collection, Volumes 150-157
Tagged A2, A4, ALLOA, archive, Black 5, diesel, Edinburgh, Fife, freight, Glasgow, Keith Pirt, Perth, preserved, Royal Train, Scotland, steam, Thornton, WD
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Volume 147
Steam in the Valleys Part 2 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The valleys of Wales once supplied coal to the world. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, some collieries were still shunted by steam locomotives.
We see examples of industrial locomotives from five different builders as well as ex-GWR tanks, 9600, 9792 and 7754, in all weather conditions from sun to winter snow.
Horse worked mines are also visited. These used narrow gauge track and at DARRAN open cast site we see horse traction being used before the arrival of steam.
Both steam and diesel BR motive power served the valleys and we record the various comings and goings of coal trains.
All filmed in colour by enthusiasts who found these industrial locations both fascinating and friendly after the demise of BR steam in the valleys of Wales.
Cover Photo:- Colin White, “Tudor” at Beynon Colliery, 4/6/70.
Click Here for Vol.135 – Steam in The Valleys Part 1
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Industrial Railways, Volumes 142-149
Tagged coal, diesel, GWR, Hafodyrynys, industrial, narrow gauge, steam, traction, Wales
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Volume 128
Cambrian Coast Route Part 3 (80-mins) | Price £19.75 |
This third volume in the series covering the Cambrian Coast Express Route from London to Aberystwyth and Pwhelli, takes a look at the line west of SHREWSBURY through the hills of Mid-Wales over TALERDDIG summit.
Using archive steam material from the 1960s with occasional diesel footage such as the first ever visit of an HST working in 1983, WELSHPOOL is reached. Here there is extensive coverage of the Welshpool and Llanfair line in its pre-1956 working days with freight.
Onwards over TALERDDIG with Manors and Standards and a few views of the return to steam tours. MACHYNLLETH is seen also in great detail and variety with film sometimes from the 1950s; ex-Western motive power including Dukedogs and eventually their Standard class replacements up to 1967.
The Aberystwyth line through GLYNDFI and BORTH is followed by some scenes on the Vale of Rheidol when it had its own terminus station.
Filmed in colour except for the earliest material, this video takes a fascinating and nostalgic look back at the steam scene of the 1960s. The film has an authentic sound-track and has been researched in detail to give an informative commentary.
Cover photo:- Keith Pirt. 7828 “Odney Manor” meets 7810 “Draycott Manor” at Newtown in July 1963.
Click Here for Vol.100 – Cambrian Coast Route Part 1
Click Here for Vol.122 – Cambrian Coast Route Part 2
Click Here for Vol.138 – Cambrian Coast Route Part 4
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(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 127-133
Tagged Aberystwyth, archive, Cambrian, Cambrian Coast, diesel, freight, HST, Keith Pirt, London, Machynlleth, Mid Wales, Shrewsbury, steam, Vale Rheidol, Wales, Welshpool
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Volume 122
Cambrian Coast Route Part 2 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
This second video about the CAMBRIAN COAST EXPRESS takes a look at the section from SHREWSBURY to WELSHPOOL. Shrewsbury is covered in great detail at the station and motive power depot. Engines from both the Midland and Western Regions are seen including Castle, County, Hall and Manor classes, Duchess, Jubilee, Black 5 and 8F off the Midland. There are Ivatts and Standards especially in 1966.
The diesel scene has come rarities. Besides the Class 37 there is a Peak on the Hookagate line, the Fisons weed-killing train, 08′s on the oil workings to Abbey Foregate and the short lived visits of the Cromptons.
Preserved King 6000 “King George V” works the Centenary dining car set in 1979 and 5596 visits Hookagate yard. A visit to the Severn Valley line when it was still connected to Shrewsbury from Bridgnorth. The MINSTERLEY branch with steam and the long single line route to Welshpool with Standard 4′s and Manors. Coverage of some of the Tal-y-Llyn specials also with Dukedogs. A very definitive programme of this section of the route.
Filmed mostly in colour this video has an authentic sound-track and informative commentary.
Click Here for Vol.100 – Cambrian Coast Route Part 1
Click Here for Vol.128 – Cambrian Coast Route Part 3
Click Here for Vol.138 – Cambrian Coast Route Part 4
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Volumes 117-126
Tagged 8F, Black 5, Cambrian, Cambrian Coast, diesel, EXPRESS, Ivatt, Jubilee, King George, Midland, Severn Valley, Shrewsbury, steam, Welshpool
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Volume 114
Scotland Revisited Part 2: The East Coast (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
Jim Clemens Collection No.17. This is the second volume in a trilogy of videos on Scottish railways from the JIM CLEMENS archive collection and covers the eastern areas of the railways north of the border.
EDINBURGH WAVERLEY using 1930′s film with a comparison to the 1960′s using a Deltic diesel. Visit ST.MARGARETS and DALRY ROAD sheds in Edinburgh before leaving on a 1963 railtour with North British No.256 and J36 and J37 types to QUEENSFERRY, THORNTON and ALLOA. There is a visit to FIFE for NCB workings at Dysart before leaving the eastern side of Scotland for the infamous Caledonian Railway Single No.123 1963 tour from Glasgow to CRIANLARICH in the snow. The Easter 1962 tours included rare visits to branches along the Strathmore route, LEYSMILL, COUPAR ANGUS and BANKFOOT with Caley motive power. The INVERBERVIE branch from MONTROSE, BRECHIN and the CARMYLLIE branch.The Highlands of Scotland feature with visits to INVERNESS, including it’s shed, from where a run with Highland Railway 4-6-0 No.103 travels via ELGIN to INVERURIE. Finally steam at PERTH and STIRLING and a trip on the Thames-Clyde Express out of St ENOCH to Carlisle. Here there is a look at KINGMOOR with Duchess locos.
Filmed in colour from 1962 to 1966 but some black and white footage from 1930 and 1959 is included. A detailed commentary and authentic soundtrack completes a nostalgic look at Scottish steam.
Click Here for Vol.102 – Scotland Revisited Part 1
Click Here for Vol.123 – Scotland Revisited Part 3
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
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Released in Scottish Railways Collection, The Jim Clemens Collection, Volumes 108-116
Tagged 1960, ALLOA, archive, British, Carlisle, CARMYLLIE, diesel, East Coast, Edinburgh, Fife, Glasgow, Jim Clemens, Kingmoor, NCB, Perth, Scotland, steam, Thornton
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Volume 100
Cambrian Coast Route Part 1: Paddington to Shrewsbury (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The CAMBRIAN COAST EXPRESS followed a route from Paddington to Birmingham, Shrewsbury and Talerddig to Aberystwyth and Pwhelli. In this first volume of the series, we trace the route from Paddington to Shrewsbury. Using archive footage, the route is seen with steam haulage over a period from 1960 to the 1970’s with some early diesel film of the Hydraulics and Blue Pullman as well. There is mainly ex-GWR motive power from Kings, Castles. Halls and Praire tanks. See steam powering up Hatton bank in 1962 with Kings and Castles and on through the Birmingham suburbs to Tyseley and into the old Snow Hill Station. We visit both the old and new Snow Hill stations. A diversion to the Old Hill and Dudley branches and then on to Wolverhampton, Wellington and Shrewsbury.
Click Here for Vol.122 – Cambrian Coast Route Part 2
Click Here for Vol.128 – Cambrian Coast Route Part 3
Click Here for Vol.138 – Cambrian Coast Route Part 4
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 90-100
Tagged 1960, 1970, Aberystwyth, archive, Birmingham, Blue Pullman, Cambrian, Cambrian Coast, diesel, electric, EXPRESS, GWR, LNER, Manchester, Paddington, Shrewsbury, steam, traction
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Volume 89
Along GWR Lines Part 3 – Cardiif to Penzance (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The third volume in the series takes us from South Wales to Penzance with an introduction at Paddington. Cardiff and Newport scenes in 1965 when there was still steam hauled freight by both large and small tank engines. Freight with steam is also seen climbing Pilning Bank out of the Severn Tunnel including the car ferry train. Down to Bristol on Stapleton Road bank. Another visit to the Staple Hill Bank on the old Midland,· but by now under Western Region control. While at Bristol see 4079 being loaded onto a ship for Australia. We thought it would never come back, but it did. Westwards via Taunton, Exeter and the sea wall to Plymouth. Cornwall and its branches to Penzance. This has a mixture of steam and diesel-hydraulic power. All scenes unrepeatable!
Click Here for Vol.70 – Along GWR Lines Part 1
Click Here for Vol.78 – Along GWR Lines Part 2
Click Here for Vol.171 – Along GWR Lines Part 4 – South Wales
Click here to order this Volume 89 and other videos online
(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Along GWR Lines, Volumes 80-89
Tagged diesel, Exeter, freight, GWR, hydraulic, Midland, Paddington, South Wales, steam, Wales, Western Region
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Volume 74
Scottish Railways Remembered No.2 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
A concentrated look at the railways from Inverness to Aberdeen and Perth. Scenes at Forres, Keith and the GN of S route are seen in 1962 with a railtour behind HR 103 and GN of S 49. Aberdeen in 1961 had A2, A3, WD and even 4F classes. The Ballater branch still lived, albeit with DMU, and we travel the whole line. Back at Aberdeen the A4′s had arrived amongst B1′s, V2′s and Standards. On to Perth via Stonehaven and Forfar. Pickersgill 4-4-0′s at Leysmill and Blairgowrie. The Aberfeldy branch, by Type 2 diesel, did exist then. Perth in 1961, whose pilots were 4F and Caley tank. Later, Clan, Duchess, A4, A2, Al, V2 and LMS 2-6-4T and Black 5.
Click Here for Vol.63 – Scottish Railways Remembered No. 1
Click Here for Vol.132 – Scottish Railways Remembered No. 3
Click Here for Vol.154 – Scottish Railways Remembered No. 4
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Scottish Railways Collection, Volumes 70-79
Tagged 4F, A2, A3, A4, Black 5, diesel, DMU, LMS, Perth, Scotland, WD
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Volume 73
Southern Steam Finale Part 7: March to April 1967 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
Number seven in the definitive story of the end of Southern steam. This volume covers March and April 1967. Even with new diesel and electric rosters, beside the normal services, steam was still covering failures. These are covered in detail through the suburbs of London. The main focus is around the Southampton and the New Forest areas. The Fawley branch is visited by USA tanks on a railtour which then continued on the truncated S & D line to Blandford Forum and the Swanage branch. The Lymington branch lost its steam traction in April 1967 and views of the last week are well documented. The Hampshire Branch Line tour is featured via Salisbury and Ramsey. Finally the “Kenny Belle” service to Olympia.Covers the period March & April 1967 & features steam in the suburbs of London, the Southampton & New Forest area, the Fawley, Swanage & Lymington branches, the Hampshire Branch Line Tour, & the Kenny Belle service to Olympia.
Click Here for the “Southern Steam Finale” DVD Series
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Southern Steam Finale, Volumes 70-79
Tagged diesel, electric, London, Salisbury, Southampton, Southern Steam, steam, traction, USA
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