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Tag Archives: Coronation Pacifics
Volume 248
Vol.248: Steaming Around the North-West & Midlands in the 1960s – London Midland Steam Miscellany No.12 (91-mins) | Price £19.75 |
This, the 12th episode of our popular series of LONDON MIDLAND STEAM MISCELLANIES, is a feast of steam traction filmed mostly in the North-West and Midlands. And once again we are using a considerable amount of previously unseen cine-film from our extensive archives*!
Our journey starts with a visit to the major rail interchange of Carlisle. Here we see steam action in the area before all the line closures and major rationalisation of tracks of later years. One of the major homes of steam was the Kingmoor Shed and we see it and it’s approaches in all their glory. Wonderful! Then to the hive of activity of Citadel station for scenes including Stanier “Princess Coronation’ Pacifics.
Now a real treat for enthusiasts – The Langholm branch freight with (now-preserved) Ivatt 4MT No.43106 in charge; it is seen paralleling the A7 road and also at Canonbie. Further north we have film at Stirling (including a ‘Clan’ Pacific) and Glasgow.
Another area seen in detail is the climb to Shap summit. Most was filmed around the Tebay and Scout Green areas although the climb from the north is not forgotten. All manner of traction combinations are seen – single-handedly, with bankers, and even one with a pilot on the front. Diesels also make occasional appearances with English Electric Type 4s and Brush Type 4s, one of the latter in charge of the down ‘Mid-Day Scot’.
On the Settle & Carlisle line we see locations such as Horton-inRibblesdale, the famous Ribblehead viaduct, and Kirkby Stephen West. Visits are also made to Windermere, Oxenholme, Carnforth, Carnforth Shed, Hest Bank (including action on the water troughs), Lancaster, Warrington, and the approach to Standedge tunnel. .
Other places seen in the north of England are Ditton Junction, Mouldsworth, Preston, Lostock Hall Shed, Newton Heath Shed, Sheffield, and Leeds.
We also visit North Wales and the Borders. Places as Chester, Shrewsbury, Abergele and Pensarn. A particular delight is coverage around Denbigh, Llanrhaiadr, and Rhydymwyn.
London Midland power is also not forgotten towards the south of England, such as at Spetchley (site of Worcester’s first station), Norton Junction, and even Didcot in the heart of GWR territory.
We cover the last days of steam throughout the 1960s to the end in 1968. Classes seen include (in no particular order): ex-LMS 2-6-4Ts, Ivatt 4MT 2-6-0s, 4Fs, Black 5s, Jubilees, 8Fs, Jinty 0-6-0Ts, 47000 Dock Tanks, Patriot and Royal Scot 4-6-0s, Princess Coronation (Duchess) Pacifics, Ivatt Class 2 2-6-0s and BR Standard Britannia & Clan Pacifics, Class 4 & 5 4-6-0s, 2-6-4Ts, 9F 2-10-0s (including ex-Crosti boilered) and WD 2-8-0s. The new order also creeps in from time to time such as English Electric ‘Type 4′ and Brush ‘Type 4 ‘; even the early AC Electric “AL” series locomotives!
Our nostalgic look at the last years of London Midland steam has been assembled in the order the film runs off the original cine reels. It is mostly in colour with a soundtrack and a commentary.
*A Footnote for the Miscellany Series. Over the years, we have amassed a vast collection of archive cine-film from a variety of owners. When we produced our much earlier volumes, they were based on telling a “story” or following a “journey”. As a result only relevant short clips from various the original archive cine-films were used along with specific soundtracks and commentaries. When more recently reviewing our extensive archives, we realised that much of the original cine films had never been used for one reason or another such as it didn’t fit the story or we didn’t know the location. In some cases there were reels of previously unused and unseen cine-film. And this historic footage would never be seen and lost forever unless we did something about it. Hence the Miscellany series where this time the footage has been assembled in the order it runs off the actual cine-films along with completely new sound tracking and a new commentary for each volume. In some cases all of the footage is completely new. There are some real gems in this series!!
Click here to order this volume and other videos online
(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)
Released in London Midland Steam Miscellany Series, Volumes 239 and above
Tagged 9F, Britannia, Carlisle, Chester, Coronation Pacifics, England, freight, Glasgow, Hest Bank, Ivatt, Kingmoor, London, Midland, preserved, Preston, Royal Scot, Shrewsbury, steam, traction, WD
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Volume 161
Along LMS Lines Part 9: Onwards to Glasgow (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
Our series of films along the West Coast Main Line has nearly come to an end, reaching Glasgow Central this time. However, we start at Stockport with 70013 “Oliver Cromwell” in April 1968 before moving on to Preston in 1965, the stepping point for a visit to Blackpool Central just before it closed in 1964, with views of the shed there. We return to Preston to travel north again over Shap to Carlisle. Another way to Carlisle is via the Settle and Carlisle route and we show scenes from this line using previously unused new footage. At Carlisle, there is extensive coverage of lines and locomotives including a visit to Kingmoor shed. Many engine classes are seen including Princess Coronation Pacifics, Royal Scots, Jubilees, Black 5s and BR standard types such as Class 5s, 9Fs, Britannia and Clan Pacifics. Onwards and we visit Dumfries on the old G&SWR route before returning to the West Coast line over Beattock including scenes from the footplate as we reach the summit. Preserved Highland Goods 4-6-0 No.103 is seen on the Inches branch before we finally reach Glasgow Central.
An all colour film with excellent detail and locations, mastered with an authentic sound track and an extensively researched, detailed and informative commentary. Details of our extensive collection of archive films of the steam scene all over Britain filmed from the 1950s to 1960s are available from the address below.
Cover photo:- Keith Pirt/Courtesy Booklaw Publications, Class 4 2-6-4 tanks at Glasgow Central, July 1959.
Click Here for Vol.151 Along LMS Lines Part 8
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‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Along LMS Lines, Volumes 158-166
Tagged archive, Blackpool, Britannia, Carlisle, Coronation Pacifics, footplate, Glasgow, Keith Pirt, Kingmoor, LMS, Main Line, Oliver Cromwell, Preston, Shap, steam, Stockport, West Coast
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Volume 143
Along LMS Lines Part 7 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
The most filmed area of the West Coast Main Line was around TEBAY and the climb to the 916 foot Shap Summit.
This video concentrates on the activity from DILLICAR water troughs in the Lune Valley and over the entire climb to the summit. Detailed shed activity is shown at TEBAY depot with its banking engines of Fowler, Stanier 2-6-4T tanks and Standard Class 4s. The varied traffic along the main line includes passenger, freight and ballast workings.
Filmed from 1964 to 1967, motive power ranges from Coronation Pacifics, Jubillees, Royal Scots and Patriots to the work horse Stanier Black 5s, 8Fs, Standard 9Fs, Britannia Pacifics and Ivatt moguls. The magnificent scenery and very variable weather conditions are well shown at the popular location.All film material is in colour and the film has an extensively research commentary with an authentic sound track.
Cover photo: Keith Pirt, 9F 92227 at Shap Summit, July 1967.
Click Here for the “Along LMS Lines” DVD Series
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(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Along LMS Lines, Volumes 142-149
Tagged 9F, Britannia, Coronation Pacifics, freight, Ivatt, Keith Pirt, LMS, Main Line, Royal Scot, Shap, Stanier Black, Tebay, West Coast
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Volume 121
Love of Steam (Ray Webb) (90-mins) | Price £19.75 |
An overall look at steam traction around Britain with views from all Regions of British Railways with particular emphasis on the London Midland. Here, the West Coast main line is covered, particularly the Shap area with Princess Coronation Pacifics, Scots and Jubilees. Banking then was by LMS 2-6-4 tanks. Plenty of action on Dillicar troughs. Bescot, Chester and the Peak Forest line are also included.
Western steam at Wednesbury, Shrewsbury and Chester area.
The Southern with Pacifics and Moguls are seen on the South Western main line from Pirbright to Micheldever with the odd 9F thrown in and Q1s are seen. The Isle of Wight has the 02 class at Newport.
Eastern scenes at Doncaster with Pacifics, Langwith area for freight. Scotland had the A4s and North British freight types on the branches. J27, Q6 and K1 worked the North East coal trains and K1s were on the Alnmouth branch.
Finally a few Industrial tanks and a look at the end of steam in 1967 and 1968. A highlight at the start is some 1940′s film of streamlined Duchess Pacifics.
Filmed in colour, except for the 1940s material, this video takes a fascinating and nostalgic look back at the steam scene of the 1960’s. The film has an authentic sound-track and is researched in detail to give an informative commentary.
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(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 117-126
Tagged 1960, 9F, British, Chester, coal, Coronation Pacifics, Doncaster, freight, Isle Wight, LMS, London, Midland, North East, Peak Forest, Scotland, Shap, Shrewsbury, South Western, steam, traction, West Coast
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Volume 44
Cumberland Glory (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
“Cumberland Glory” is the story of the railways around Cumberland’s border city of Carlisle. Citadel station witnessed the passing of many trains, among them the “Royal Scot”, “Mid-day Scot” and “Waverley”. Motive power included Princess Coronation Pacifics, Jubilees, Black Fives and Patriots. Railtours brought in locomotives from all the big four companies as well as Scottish preserved engines such as “Glen Douglas” and Caley Single No.123. Gresley A4′s came from the Waverley Route. Kingmoor Shed is visited portraying normal working locomotives and the visitors off of railtours. Its turntable played host to a Western A2 Pacific “Blue Peter” during the period covered in this video which begins in 1962. Branches and main lines radiating from Carlisle are visited, including Silloth and Langholm. There is magnificent action from the Settle and Carlisle line and the West Coast main line over Shap. The transition to diesel traction prior to eventual electrification in 1974 is seen with locomotives such as Class 40s and 50s plus the Royal Train. From heavy freight to 46238 “City of Carlisle” cleaned for football special, from an immaculate “Glen Douglas” to a 9F struggling to Ais Gill, it is all in this story. Much of the film, in both black and white and colour, was shot by local enthusiast Brian Irwin.
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(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 40-49
Tagged 9F, A2, A4, Black 5, Blue Peter, Caley Single, Carlisle, Coronation Pacifics, diesel, freight, Kingmoor, preserved, Royal Scot, Royal Train, Settle Carlisle, Shap, traction, West Coast
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Volume 25
Steam Remembrance (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
If you want steam in its last glorious year then this production will delight. No, not 1967, but 1964 when so many loved classes went from the scene.
The film taken so well by Bob Todd and seen by many at railway meetings around the country will interest many who mourn the loss of steam traction. Bob used an all lines railrover to visit such locations as Paddington for Panniers, 61xx and Castle classes, even a condensing pannier tank. Exeter for four engines on the Meldon Quarry stone train, Wadebridge for 1366 class and the North Cornwall line to Okehampton. Yeovil for 6430 and push-pull working to Sherborne and a railtour to Hereford with 5054 preclude a visit to the Cromford and High Peak line with ex-LMS 47006.
On via York with B16, 04, WD to Scotland. Thornton Junction had B1, V2, J38 and J37. Six different A4s are seen at Aberdeen, Perth and Stirling along with three Princess Coronation Pacifics in their last working week, green and maroon. Britannia 70035 puts in an appearance with Jubilee, Standard Class 5s and ex-LMS Black 5s. Bob’s failed DMU is rescued by a B1.
The film ends with a journey to Carlisle with now preserved 70013 ‘‘Oliver Cromwell’’. With nearly 90 different engines of 30 classes this is a superb compilation of 1964.
Cover photo: Dave Mills. A4 at Stonehaven.
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(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Volumes 20-29
Tagged A4, Britannia, Carlisle, Coronation Pacifics, Cromford High Peak, DMU, Exeter, Hereford, Jubilee, LMS, Oliver Cromwell, Paddington, Perth, preserved, Scotland, steam, Thornton, traction, Wadebridge, WD
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