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Tag Archives: archive
Volume 40
Setting the Standards (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
A video of British Railways Standard Classes of locomotives introduced onto the main lines of Britain in 1951. By 1960, when 9F 92220 “Evening Star” emerged from Swindon Works, there were a total of 999 engines in 12 classes of 6 different wheel arrangements. From an extensive archive collection of film we have been able to tell the story of these locomotives in great detail using only film from pre-1968 days, except in the case of 71000, even though we do portray her at Crewe in the early 1960′s. With this one exception, all the classes shown cover the varieties and workings of the locomotives within their class and after extensive research, we believe we have found most of them! From liveries to modifications and tender types you will find them in this video. From the foregoing, it is obvious that we cover the country from Scotland to Weymouth and West Wales to Tyne Dock since these locomotives were meant to traverse, within their limitations, the majority of lines on the BR network. Over 90 different engines appear in many locations. Good quality 8mm and 16mm film has been used in what is a completely different kind of video from our normal “area” type of film story. Some views have been seen in earlier releases. and some will be used in future productions, but here we see them in a completely new context, the real story of Standard Steam.
Click here to order this and other videos online
(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Volume 35
Southern Steam Finale Part 1 (60-mins) | Price £19.75 |
This is the first video of a series portraying the definitive history of the last eighteen months of Steam Traction on the Southern Region. The series will cover events in depth as although it was a sad time, there were many exciting events taking place. Many of these have been told in print before but our cameramen were there to film then and a few events never seen before on video.
This first volume covers the first ten weeks of 1966 and 15 different classes are seen in action from the Southern main line to the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway, the S15 tour with 30837 snow and all to Bordon, the Maunsell mogul to Gosport, Cowes line finale and normal service trains between Waterloo and Weymouth.
Each volume in this series will stand on its own as a video but we hope you will want the full set as the years go by.
Filmed in colour from snow to sunshine by nine cameramen with a few nice glint views, and superbly sound tracked from original recordings. There is no modern day footage used at all, pure archive.
Cover photo: Jim Oatway. “East Asiatic Co.” at Southampton Central
Click Here for the “Southern Steam Finale” DVD Series
Click here to order this and other videos online
(By clicking here you are entering Wolverton Rail Videos web site with over 4000 transport videos & DVDs available
‘Run by Enthusiasts for Enthusiasts since 1987′.
Please note you will be buying from Wolverton Rail and not B & R Video Productions)… Read More
Released in Southern Steam Finale, Volumes 30-39
Tagged archive, Maunsell, Somerset, Somerset Dorset, Southampton, Southern Steam, Waterloo, Weymouth
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